Monday, January 31, 2011

Learning Profile

I'm a logical thinker with the profile C. In Profile C, I learn best by focusing on the auditory details. While I listen during classes, I learn through analysis, communication and taking notes. Also, I prefer structured learning and sequenced information. So, I learn better when the information comes in lists of bullet points or numbers. I love lists because I don't need to rewrite it so that it is all in order and are comfortable to my eyes. Also, I learn best when an example of the subject is given because I can come up with ideas that are related to example and think farther to make my idea unique, but it is hard for me to use my imagination to think of a complete different idea.

I need to always relax my eyes when I am under stress because my visual is limited under stressed and it's hard to see specific details in visual information. So, since my dominant eye is left eye, when my left eye is limited under stress, I have to close my eyes in order to hear better. I need to work on my gestalt side too, because since I'm a logical thinker, I normally don't think about the big picture and use my imagination. Therefore, I don't like to share my ideas in front of the class because I often can't think of any idea until someone comes up with one and then I can think related to that. So, I need to start participating more in class and reduce relying on other people's idea and create my own idea from my imagination.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is to use the lists of information to study and take notes down while I'm listening in order to remember something that the teachers says. Lists are so useful when I'm studying because then I don't need to organize it again so that it's all in sequence. Also, communication also helps me in learning because I can learn through different perspectives. Also, it helps me to sit in the back row because I can focus better when I can see the whole class and since I know that I am capable of controlling myself from distraction, the best seat for me is rows in the back or front corner.

I would like my teachers to know that I sometimes slap myself in order to focus in class. So, when I'm focused, I almost always remember all the information through visual and listening. I have noticed that I can't really work or read when I'm under stress, but I'm capable of solving math problems. It's hard for me to focus when the room is too noisy but when it's too quiet, I can get distracted or distract someone. Other than this occasions, I'm most likely be focused in class. Also, when it's a full class - work time, I like to move around after I finish a part it and continue on again because it helps me to focus again on the work. :)