Sunday, May 30, 2010

What, is in a hug

Have you ever hugged somebody?

A hug means more than welcome. I wasn’t used to hugging people other than my family when I was young. It felt as if giving a hug was such a big thing to do. It was easy to wave hands and smile at them, but a hug? That was not my style of saying hi. Things changed when I came to a international school. A place where all people had their own beliefs and personalities, which gave me distance between them at first. What would show them that I really want to know them? What could possibly make them believe I understand them? No strong and powerful words can show such an understanding.

I started to break my boundaries and get to know others. I’m a sensitive person towards feelings, so I was really careful with the people when I started meeting them. It took me a long time, but I had to know answers to my questions and what creates connection between people. When I came to middle school, my life became so much more enjoyable. I’ve made a lot of friends from around the world and now have deep connections with them. Then I thought, hey! Now I know what created this connection and understanding between people. There was one thing that I did a lot more nowadays than before. Hugs, giving hugs.

Every morning, I started my school day off with a big smile and tight hug. Every break, I cheered my friends going for a test, with a gentle hug. At the end of school, I gave all my friends an enormous hug saying: "see you tomorrow!". Whenever someone felt sad, I gave him or her, a hug. They knew I understood them. If they hugged me, I would feel comfortable and loved. Hugs create this strong web between everyone. This web will defend itself from any misunderstandings. Even if it gets tangled or cut, I know and we ALL accept that hugs can quickly connect the web again. This, I truly believe :)

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